Historic photos from around Leslieville, Toronto

There are a wonderful set of Toronto historic photos available online, here are all the photos that I could find from around the Leslieville area in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

List of all areas in Toronto or take a look at the historic photos by date. New! You can now access the photos by street address A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.


1914 Historic photo from Saturday, August 22, 1914 - Leslie Grove Playground  - Maypole dancing in LeslievilleLeslie Grove Playground - Maypole dancing
111 years ago - Saturday, August 22, 1914 - Leslieville
Max temp: 26.1°C - Min temp: 16.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1915 Historic photo from Saturday, August 28, 1915 - Leslie Grove Playground  Festival in LeslievilleLeslie Grove Playground Festival
110 years ago - Saturday, August 28, 1915 - Leslieville
Max temp: 20.6°C - Min temp: 8.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1916 Historic photo from 1916 - Soldiers pass reviewing stand in Greenwood Park in LeslievilleSoldiers pass reviewing stand in Greenwood Park
109 years ago - 1916 - Leslieville
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1918 Historic photo from Monday, April 22, 1918 - Children in a fete at the Queen Street Presbyterian Church in LeslievilleChildren in a fete at the Queen Street Presbyterian Church
107 years ago - Monday, April 22, 1918 - Leslieville
Max temp: 13.3°C - Min temp: 3.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1920 Historic photo from Friday, June 25, 1920 - Gerrard west of Carlaw - track in LeslievilleGerrard west of Carlaw - track
105 years ago - Friday, June 25, 1920 - Leslieville
Max temp: 27.2°C - Min temp: 13.3°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1922 Historic photo from Saturday, May 13, 1922 - Playing baseball in Greenwood Park in LeslievillePlaying baseball in Greenwood Park
103 years ago - Saturday, May 13, 1922 - Leslieville
Max temp: 20.6°C - Min temp: 7.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1922 Historic photo from Saturday, October 28, 1922 - Melba Theatre (opened 1915) on Queen East - later the Queen and then Vogue Theatre in LeslievilleMelba Theatre (opened 1915) on Queen East - later the Queen and then Vogue Theatre
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
103 years ago - Saturday, October 28, 1922 - Leslieville at 1574 Queen Street East n.e. corner at Raven Road
Max temp: 9.4°C - Min temp: -2.2°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1930 Historic photo from Friday, May 16, 1930 - Conger Lehigh Coal Co - Northeast from 889 Gerrard Street in LeslievilleConger Lehigh Coal Co - Northeast from 889 Gerrard Street
95 years ago - Friday, May 16, 1930 - Leslieville at 889 Gerrard Street East just east of Carlaw Ave.
Max temp: 17.8°C - Min temp: 9.4°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1930 Historic photo from Tuesday, October 7, 1930 - Gerrard St, and Carlaw Ave, west, from subway, (Way Department) in LeslievilleGerrard St, and Carlaw Ave, west, from subway, (Way Department)
95 years ago - Tuesday, October 7, 1930 - Leslieville
Max temp: 17.2°C - Min temp: 9.4°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1945 Historic photo from 1945 - Simcoe Hotel on Eastern Ave - corner of Muse St. (now Morse St.) - with Hotel Simcoe sign in LeslievilleSimcoe Hotel on Eastern Ave - corner of Muse St. (now Morse St.) - with Hotel Simcoe sign
(Categorized under: Hotels )
80 years ago - 1945 - Leslieville at 508 Eastern Ave n.w. corner at Morse Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1948 Historic photo from Wednesday, April 7, 1948 - Carlaw Avenue - widening in LeslievilleCarlaw Avenue - widening
77 years ago - Wednesday, April 7, 1948 - Leslieville
Max temp: 13.3°C - Min temp: 5.6°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1948 Historic photo from Friday, November 5, 1948 - Carlaw Avenue after widening north from Queen in LeslievilleCarlaw Avenue after widening north from Queen
77 years ago - Friday, November 5, 1948 - Leslieville
Max temp: 18.3°C - Min temp: 10.6°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1952 Historic photo from Friday, February 8, 1952 - Harrolds Coal Co - 346 Carlaw Avenue in LeslievilleHarrolds Coal Co - 346 Carlaw Avenue
73 years ago - Friday, February 8, 1952 - Leslieville
Max temp: 2.8°C - Min temp: -1.7°C - 10.7cm of snowfall (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1952 Historic photo from Thursday, May 29, 1952 - 330 Carlaw Avenue - face at rear of manufacturing plant in Leslieville330 Carlaw Avenue - face at rear of manufacturing plant
73 years ago - Thursday, May 29, 1952 - Leslieville at 330 Carlaw Ave
Max temp: 17.2°C - Min temp: 8.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1952 Historic photo from Thursday, May 29, 1952 - 330 Carlaw Avenue - warehouse and manufacturing, Sturgeons in Leslieville330 Carlaw Avenue - warehouse and manufacturing, Sturgeons
73 years ago - Thursday, May 29, 1952 - Leslieville at 330 Carlaw Ave
Max temp: 17.2°C - Min temp: 8.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1952 Historic photo from Thursday, May 29, 1952 - 330 Carlaw Avenue - Office Building, Sturgeons in Leslieville330 Carlaw Avenue - Office Building, Sturgeons
73 years ago - Thursday, May 29, 1952 - Leslieville at 330 Carlaw Ave
Max temp: 17.2°C - Min temp: 8.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1960 Historic photo from 1960 - Joy Theatre - showing Tarzan and the Leopard Woman - 1130 Queen Street East in LeslievilleJoy Theatre - showing Tarzan and the Leopard Woman - 1130 Queen Street East
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
65 years ago - 1960 - Leslieville
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
2015 Historic photo from Sunday, March 8, 2015 - Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant pumping station - distinctive round 1975 building (Vik Pahwa fonds) in LeslievilleAshbridges Bay Treatment Plant pumping station - distinctive round 1975 building (Vik Pahwa fonds)
10 years ago - Sunday, March 8, 2015 - Leslieville at 1091 Eastern Ave s.w. corner at Coxwell Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
2015 Historic photo from Sunday, March 8, 2015 - Weston Bakery on Eastern Ave - Closed March 2014 - now Wonder Condos (Vik Pahwa fonds) in LeslievilleWeston Bakery on Eastern Ave - Closed March 2014 - now Wonder Condos (Vik Pahwa fonds)
10 years ago - Sunday, March 8, 2015 - Leslieville at 462 Eastern Ave n.e. corner at Booth Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)