Historic Toronto photos from Wellington Street West

Here are all the photos we have from Wellington Street West:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

121 Wellington Street West, Toronto in Downtown

121-123 Wellington Street West - University Avenue Extension

Photo from 94 years ago on March 13th, 1931 at Latitude: 43.646487° N, Longitude: -79.384021° W

130 Wellington Street West, Toronto in Downtown

130 Wellington Street West - University Avenue Extension

Photo from 94 years ago on January 28th, 1931 at Latitude: 43.646487° N, Longitude: -79.383860° W

403 Wellington Street West, Toronto in Wellington Place

Loretto Abbey (called Lyndhurst before that) Wellington & Spadina

Photo from 102 years ago on July 10th, 1923 at Latitude: 43.643630° N, Longitude: -79.394943° W