Historic Toronto photos from Walmer Road

Here are all the photos we have from Walmer Road:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

330 Walmer Road, Toronto in Casa Loma

Historic photo of the stables and greenhouses at Casa Loma

Photo from 114 years ago in 1911 at Latitude: 43.678635° N, Longitude: -79.410789° W Categorized under: Casa Loma

Yellow coach, model X outside Casa Loma stables and guest house

Photo from 99 years ago on March 25th, 1926 at Latitude: 43.679077° N, Longitude: -79.411883° W Categorized under: Casa Loma

Stables - Casa Loma - Austin Terrace, s. side, betw. Walmer & Spadina Roads

Photo from 73 years ago on October 1st, 1952 at Latitude: 43.679093° N, Longitude: -79.409716° W Categorized under: Casa Loma