Historic Toronto photos from Hearst Circle

Here are all the photos we have from Hearst Circle:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

59 Hearst Circle, Toronto in Amesbury

Count Jacques de Lesseps Bleriot IX mono-plane with 3-cylinder Anzani engine, named Scarabee

Photo from 115 years ago on July 12th, 1910 at Latitude: 43.699093° N, Longitude: -79.497714° W

First airplane flight at Weston - Wright Ralph Johnstone flying an Exhibition Co. 19091 Model A Transictional bi-plane

Photo from 115 years ago on July 12th, 1910 at Latitude: 43.698814° N, Longitude: -79.498100° W

Old De Lesseps Air Field Hanger - Aircraft Limited, Trethewey Drive near Tedder St.

Photo from 68 years ago in 1957 at Latitude: 43.698069° N, Longitude: -79.500160° W