Historic Toronto photos from Dupont Street

Here are all the photos we have from Dupont Street:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

149 Dupont Street, Toronto in The Annex

Scotts Grocery Store, southwest corner of Davenport Road and Dupont Street

Photo from 95 years ago on October 2nd, 1930 at Latitude: 43.675670° N, Longitude: -79.402571° W

274 Dupont Street, Toronto in The Annex

274, 276, 278 Dupont Street north-west corner at Spadina

Photo from 103 years ago on December 9th, 1922 at Latitude: 43.674988° N, Longitude: -79.407399° W

284 Dupont Street, Toronto in The Annex

284 Dupont Street, Downtown Chinese Food (Parcel 2295)

Photo from 51 years ago on October 16th, 1974 at Latitude: 43.674902° N, Longitude: -79.408332° W

464 Dupont Street, Toronto in The Annex

464 Dupont St. The Exclusive Wardrobe. Cleaning, Dyeing & Pressing Phone Hill 1658

Photo from 110 years ago on September 20th, 1915 at Latitude: 43.673374° N, Longitude: -79.413933° W

928 Dupont Street, Toronto in Davenport

Mechanics at Hepburns Foundry on Dupont

Photo from 112 years ago in 1913 at Latitude: 43.670277° N, Longitude: -79.431388° W