Historic Toronto photos from Bloor Street East

Here are all the photos we have from Bloor Street East:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

Bloor Street East, Toronto in Don River

Danforth Viaduct 1922 - man, trolly, and car

Photo from 103 years ago in 1922 at Latitude: 43.676129° N, Longitude: -79.363323° W

117 Bloor Street East, Toronto in Yorkville

Westminster Church fire aftermath - news reel - Bloor East at Park Road

Photo from 105 years ago on February 2nd, 1920 at Latitude: 43.670740° N, Longitude: -79.384063° W Categorized under: Churches and other places of worship

121 Bloor Street East, Toronto in Yorkville

Westminster (Presbyterian) Church, fire ruins, 49 Bloor east. Toronto, Ont

Photo from 105 years ago on February 2nd, 1920 at Latitude: 43.670842° N, Longitude: -79.384188° W Categorized under: Churches and other places of worship

Westminster Church fire - bystanders looking at frozen Church

Photo from 105 years ago on February 2nd, 1920 at Latitude: 43.670842° N, Longitude: -79.384188° W Categorized under: Churches and other places of worship

621 Bloor Street East, Toronto in Riverside-South Riverdale

Queen Street bridge, looking west - Don Station on the left

Photo from 125 years ago on March 12th, 1900 at Latitude: 43.657803° N, Longitude: -79.354580° W Categorized under: Queen Don bridge

Queen Street bridge over the Don River

Photo from 121 years ago on March 26th, 1904 at Latitude: 43.658098° N, Longitude: -79.354344° W Categorized under: Queen Don bridge

Don CPR railway station at Queen Street - King Street - Don River bridge looking east

Photo from 115 years ago on September 28th, 1910 at Latitude: 43.657745° N, Longitude: -79.355020° W Categorized under: Queen Don bridge

725 Bloor Street East, Toronto in Rosedale

Castle Frank near York - Elizabeth Simcoe painting of original pine log cabin, modelled on classical Greek temple - burned down 1829

Photo from 229 years ago on July 20th, 1796 at Latitude: 43.674196° N, Longitude: -79.367212° W Categorized under: Estates and Houses