Historic Toronto photos from Windermere Ave

Here are all the photos we have from Windermere Ave:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

207 Windermere Ave, Toronto in Swansea

Swansea Public School - Looking north-west Windermere Ave., e. side, s. of Waller Ave.

Photo from 125 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.643451° N, Longitude: -79.476900° W Categorized under: Schools

Swansea School - photographer: Printgle and Booth, 181 George St., Toronto

Photo from 125 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.643633° N, Longitude: -79.477072° W Categorized under: Schools

Classroom in Swansea School on Windermere

Photo from 97 years ago on July 19th, 1928 at Latitude: 43.643249° N, Longitude: -79.476814° W

Windermere School, Swansea, exterior with baby prams out front

Photo from 97 years ago on July 19th, 1928 at Latitude: 43.643482° N, Longitude: -79.476707° W