Historic Toronto photos from Richmond Street West

Here are all the photos we have from Richmond Street West:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

Richmond Street West, Toronto in Financial District

Temple Building and Confederation Life Building (on the left), looking west along Richmond Street

Photo from 120 years ago in 1904 at Latitude: 43.651291° N, Longitude: -79.381627° W Categorized under: Temple Building

62 Richmond Street West, Toronto in Financial District

Temple Building - 1896 - 1970 - architect George W. Gouinlock - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Temple Building interior - Fire-proof doors looking out to 2nd floor arched window - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Temple Building interior - 'stag panel communicating doors' duplex copper-plated steel - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Temple Building interior - statue and glass door with transom - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Temple Building interior - Masonic monogram sliding fire doors to elevators - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Temple Building interior doors, trim for glass partitions - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Temple Building interior stairs - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Temple Building interior office and view over Toronto - Pressed Metal Co 1900 catalogue

Photo from 124 years ago in 1900 at Latitude: 43.651289° N, Longitude: -79.381709° W Categorized under: Temple Building

The Temple Building - world headquarters for the Independent Order of Foresters

Photo from 122 years ago in 1902 at Latitude: 43.651713° N, Longitude: -79.381318° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Grenadiers Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire - I.O.D.E. ball, Temple Building interior ballroom

Photo from 114 years ago in 1910 at Latitude: 43.651143° N, Longitude: -79.381514° W Categorized under: Temple Building

Masonic Hall interior set with tables and chairs in The Temple Building (1897-1917)

Photo from 114 years ago in 1910 at Latitude: 43.652014° N, Longitude: -79.381800° W Categorized under: Temple Building