Historic Toronto photos from Eglinton Ave East

Here are all the photos we have from Eglinton Ave East:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

660 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto in Leaside

Sunnybrook Plaza - first suburban strip mall in Canada - n.e. corner of Bayview and Eglinton Ave East

Photo from 73 years ago in 1952 at Latitude: 43.711539° N, Longitude: -79.376258° W

Leaside Fire Dept in Fire Prevention Week Parade, looking west along Eglinton Ave. E. to Bayview (Leaside High School baseball field on our left)

Photo from 69 years ago in 1956 at Latitude: 43.711596° N, Longitude: -79.374870° W

763 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto in Eglington and Bayview

Eglinton Avenue East widening (west of Sutherland Drive)

Photo from 65 years ago in 1960 at Latitude: 43.712934° N, Longitude: -79.367820° W

809 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto in Leaside

South west corner of Eglinton Avenue E., looking east across Laird Drive where the LRT station is now

Photo from 70 years ago on January 1st, 1955 at Latitude: 43.713470° N, Longitude: -79.365015° W

896 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto in Leaside

Christmas bus on Eglinton Avenue East at Laird - Andrews Manor

Photo from 67 years ago on December 25th, 1958 at Latitude: 43.714108° N, Longitude: -79.363647° W