Historic Toronto photos from Chestnut Street

Here are all the photos we have from Chestnut Street:

The complete list of streets is available here. And don't forget the photos by date and photos by neighbourhood pages.

144 Chestnut Street, Toronto in Discovery District

Angelos Hotel and tavern - opened in 1921 by Cielia Bollo and Angelo Belfanti - one of the 1st Italian Restaurants in Toronto

Photo from 85 years ago in 1940 at Latitude: 43.655989° N, Longitude: -79.386525° W Categorized under: Hotels

Angelos Tavern, Chestnut St., northwest corner Edward St

Photo from 70 years ago on January 5th, 1955 at Latitude: 43.655989° N, Longitude: -79.386525° W Categorized under: Hotels