Historic photos from around The Danforth, Toronto

There are a wonderful set of Toronto historic photos available online, here are all the photos that I could find from around the The Danforth area in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

List of all areas in Toronto or take a look at the historic photos by date. New! You can now access the photos by street address A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.

1906 Historic photo from Wednesday, July 25, 1906 - York Station, 1906 in The DanforthYork Station, 1906
119 years ago - Wednesday, July 25, 1906 - The Danforth
Max temp: 23.9°C - Min temp: 11.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1907 Historic photo from 1907 - Empringham Hotel (1890s-1913), Danforth Avenue, southwest corner Dawes Road in The DanforthEmpringham Hotel (1890s-1913), Danforth Avenue, southwest corner Dawes Road
(Categorized under: Hotels )
118 years ago - 1907 - The Danforth at 2763 Danforth Ave s.w. corner at Dawes Road
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1912 Historic photo from Friday, October 18, 1912 - Broadview Avenue and Danforth, looking west towards the Don River in The DanforthBroadview Avenue and Danforth, looking west towards the Don River
113 years ago - Friday, October 18, 1912 - The Danforth
Max temp: 19.4°C - Min temp: 5.0°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1913 Historic photo from Tuesday, July 1, 1913 - Danforth and Guest Avenue in 1913 in The DanforthDanforth and Guest Avenue in 1913
112 years ago - Tuesday, July 1, 1913 - The Danforth
Max temp: 35.0°C - Min temp: 22.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1914 Historic photo from 1914 - Empringham Hotel  facade (1914), Danforth Ave., s.w. corner Dawes Rd. in The DanforthEmpringham Hotel facade (1914), Danforth Ave., s.w. corner Dawes Rd.
(Categorized under: Hotels )
111 years ago - 1914 - The Danforth
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1918 Historic photo from Thursday, April 4, 1918 - Duplex being built - no windows yet at the back - southeast corner Browning and Jackman in The DanforthDuplex being built - no windows yet at the back - southeast corner Browning and Jackman
107 years ago - Thursday, April 4, 1918 - The Danforth
Max temp: 6.1°C - Min temp: -2.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1918 Historic photo from Thursday, April 4, 1918 - Laying bricks on the southeast corner Browning and Jackman in The DanforthLaying bricks on the southeast corner Browning and Jackman
107 years ago - Thursday, April 4, 1918 - The Danforth
Max temp: 6.1°C - Min temp: -2.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1919 Historic photo from Friday, September 12, 1919 - Winchester Drive looking south from Bloor Street (where the DVP is now) in The DanforthWinchester Drive looking south from Bloor Street (where the DVP is now)
106 years ago - Friday, September 12, 1919 - The Danforth
Max temp: 20.6°C - Min temp: 11.7°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1920 Historic photo from Wednesday, May 26, 1920 - Construction of the Danforth Avenue lavatory in The DanforthConstruction of the Danforth Avenue lavatory
105 years ago - Wednesday, May 26, 1920 - The Danforth
Max temp: 24.4°C - Min temp: 10.6°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1920 Historic photo from Wednesday, May 26, 1920 - Rear view of the construction of the Danforth Avenue lavatory in The DanforthRear view of the construction of the Danforth Avenue lavatory
105 years ago - Wednesday, May 26, 1920 - The Danforth
Max temp: 24.4°C - Min temp: 10.6°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1920 Historic photo from Thursday, September 23, 1920 - Nut Krust Bakeries sign for electric baked ovens since 1919 - Danforth and Broadview Ave in The DanforthNut Krust Bakeries sign for electric baked ovens since 1919 - Danforth and Broadview Ave
105 years ago - Thursday, September 23, 1920 - The Danforth at 90 Danforth Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1922 Historic photo from Tuesday, October 10, 1922 - Loading old cars to serve as  temporary housing in Haileybury, Ontario after fire in The DanforthLoading old cars to serve as temporary housing in Haileybury, Ontario after fire
103 years ago - Tuesday, October 10, 1922 - The Danforth
Max temp: 15.6°C - Min temp: 11.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1924 Historic photo from Wednesday, May 7, 1924 - Exterior complete at the Danforth Lavatory in The DanforthExterior complete at the Danforth Lavatory
101 years ago - Wednesday, May 7, 1924 - The Danforth
Max temp: 16.1°C - Min temp: 5.0°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1924 Historic photo from Tuesday, May 20, 1924 - Methodist Church, Jackman Ave & Danforth (Now Eastminster United Church) in The DanforthMethodist Church, Jackman Ave & Danforth (Now Eastminster United Church)
101 years ago - Tuesday, May 20, 1924 - The Danforth
Max temp: 11.1°C - Min temp: 1.7°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1925 Historic photo from 1925 - Grover Theatre with overhanging electric sign - was recently a nightclub called Funhaus, which became Spectrum and Zoo Bar in The DanforthGrover Theatre with overhanging electric sign - was recently a nightclub called Funhaus, which became Spectrum and Zoo Bar
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
100 years ago - 1925 - The Danforth at 2714 Danforth Ave west of Dawes Road
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1926 Historic photo from Friday, April 2, 1926 - Palace Theatre stage (opened Feb 19, 1921 - 1987) - set up for the Ben Hokeas Orchestra - Hawaiian in The DanforthPalace Theatre stage (opened Feb 19, 1921 - 1987) - set up for the Ben Hokeas Orchestra - Hawaiian
(Categorized under: East end theatres --- Live music )
99 years ago - Friday, April 2, 1926 - The Danforth at 664 Danforth Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1926 Historic photo from Friday, July 30, 1926 - Southeast corner Browning and Chester - cars, and kids playing with a wagon in The DanforthSoutheast corner Browning and Chester - cars, and kids playing with a wagon
99 years ago - Friday, July 30, 1926 - The Danforth
Max temp: 25.6°C - Min temp: 15.0°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1927 Historic photo from Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - Pape Ave, east side, looking north, at Lipton where the subway station is now in The DanforthPape Ave, east side, looking north, at Lipton where the subway station is now
98 years ago - Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - The Danforth
Max temp: 23.3°C - Min temp: 11.7°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1927 Historic photo from Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - 735 & 737 Pape Ave, corner of Lipton, looking east at H.Smith Tailor and J. Murphy in The Danforth735 & 737 Pape Ave, corner of Lipton, looking east at H.Smith Tailor and J. Murphy
98 years ago - Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - The Danforth at 735 Pape Ave at Lipton
Max temp: 23.3°C - Min temp: 11.7°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1927 Historic photo from Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - Pape Ave and Lipton, looking north-east in The DanforthPape Ave and Lipton, looking north-east
98 years ago - Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - The Danforth
Max temp: 23.3°C - Min temp: 11.7°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1927 Historic photo from Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - Pape Ave and Gertrude, south-east corner, looking east in The DanforthPape Ave and Gertrude, south-east corner, looking east
98 years ago - Tuesday, April 19, 1927 - The Danforth
Max temp: 23.3°C - Min temp: 11.7°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1927 Historic photo from Thursday, November 3, 1927 - Palace Theatre at Danforth and Pape, north-east corner in The DanforthPalace Theatre at Danforth and Pape, north-east corner
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
98 years ago - Thursday, November 3, 1927 - The Danforth
Max temp: 7.2°C - Min temp: 2.2°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1935 Historic photo from 1935 - Eton Hotel dining room - long narrow room with wood tables and chairs, table cloths and area carpet in The DanforthEton Hotel dining room - long narrow room with wood tables and chairs, table cloths and area carpet
(Categorized under: Hotels )
90 years ago - 1935 - The Danforth at 710 Danforth Ave just east of Pape Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1935 Historic photo from 1935 - Eton Hotel (then the Eton House Tavern) kitchen - new gas range, gas steam table and coffee maker in The DanforthEton Hotel (then the Eton House Tavern) kitchen - new gas range, gas steam table and coffee maker
(Categorized under: Hotels )
90 years ago - 1935 - The Danforth at 710 Danforth Ave just east of Pape Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1936 Historic photo from 1936 - Allenby Theatre auditorium with neon lighting - also the Roxy and then Apollo Theatre - built 1935/36  in The DanforthAllenby Theatre auditorium with neon lighting - also the Roxy and then Apollo Theatre - built 1935/36
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
89 years ago - 1936 - The Danforth at 1213 Danforth Ave just east of Greenwood Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1947 Historic photo from 1947 - Odeon Danforth Theatre - 635 Danforth Ave - marquee and sign - became the Rex Danforth in The DanforthOdeon Danforth Theatre - 635 Danforth Ave - marquee and sign - became the Rex Danforth
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
78 years ago - 1947 - The Danforth at 635 Danforth Ave just west of Pape Ave.
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1947 Historic photo from 1947 - Odeon Danforth Theatre - auditorium and screen in The DanforthOdeon Danforth Theatre - auditorium and screen
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
78 years ago - 1947 - The Danforth at 635 Danforth Ave just west of Pape Ave.
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1947 Historic photo from Monday, November 17, 1947 - Palace Theatre - marquee and sign - northeast corner of Danforth Avenue and Pape Avenue in The DanforthPalace Theatre - marquee and sign - northeast corner of Danforth Avenue and Pape Avenue
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
78 years ago - Monday, November 17, 1947 - The Danforth
Max temp: 3.3°C - Min temp: -1.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1947 Historic photo from Monday, November 17, 1947 - Palace Theatre lobby in The DanforthPalace Theatre lobby
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
78 years ago - Monday, November 17, 1947 - The Danforth
Max temp: 3.3°C - Min temp: -1.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1947 Historic photo from Monday, November 17, 1947 - Palace Theatre auditorium  - opened 1924 with seating for 1,575 in The DanforthPalace Theatre auditorium - opened 1924 with seating for 1,575
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
78 years ago - Monday, November 17, 1947 - The Danforth
Max temp: 3.3°C - Min temp: -1.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1947 Historic photo from Monday, November 17, 1947 - Palace Theatre - auditorium, stage to back in The DanforthPalace Theatre - auditorium, stage to back
(Categorized under: East end theatres )
78 years ago - Monday, November 17, 1947 - The Danforth
Max temp: 3.3°C - Min temp: -1.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1952 Historic photo from Monday, December 1, 1952 - Chandlers Garage in 1952 in The DanforthChandlers Garage in 1952
73 years ago - Monday, December 1, 1952 - The Danforth
Max temp: 1.1°C - Min temp: -8.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1954 Historic photo from Sunday, July 4, 1954 - Eastbourne House hotel with separate entrances for men and woman - built by George Coleman - hamlet of Coleman Corners in The DanforthEastbourne House hotel with separate entrances for men and woman - built by George Coleman - hamlet of Coleman Corners
(Categorized under: Hotels )
71 years ago - Sunday, July 4, 1954 - The Danforth
Max temp: 25.0°C - Min temp: 13.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)