Historic photos from around St. Lawrence Market, Toronto

There are a wonderful set of Toronto historic photos available online, here are all the photos that I could find from around the St. Lawrence Market area in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

List of all areas in Toronto or take a look at the historic photos by date. New! You can now access the photos by street address A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.

1838 Historic photo from Thursday, April 12, 1838 - The hanging of Samuel Lount and Peter Matthews  in St. Lawrence MarketThe hanging of Samuel Lount and Peter Matthews
187 years ago - Thursday, April 12, 1838 - St. Lawrence Market at 157 Lower Jarvis Street
Max temp: 0.0°C - Min temp: 0.0°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location
1877 Historic photo from Thursday, May 24, 1877 - Fountain by north St. Lawrence Market - text on top reads: by Angus Morrison, mayor (he served between 1876 to 1878)  in St. Lawrence MarketFountain by north St. Lawrence Market - text on top reads: by Angus Morrison, mayor (he served between 1876 to 1878)
148 years ago - Thursday, May 24, 1877 - St. Lawrence Market at 45 Market Street Jarvis and Front Street East
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1895 Historic photo from 1895 - City Hall St. Lawrence Market 1844-1899, Front Street East at Jarvis St. North elevation in St. Lawrence MarketCity Hall St. Lawrence Market 1844-1899, Front Street East at Jarvis St. North elevation
130 years ago - 1895 - St. Lawrence Market at 157 King Street East
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1900 Historic photo from Wednesday, November 21, 1900 - New Market west side of Jarvis Street in St. Lawrence MarketNew Market west side of Jarvis Street
125 years ago - Wednesday, November 21, 1900 - St. Lawrence Market at 128 Lower Jarvis Street
Max temp: 15.6°C - Min temp: 3.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1910 Historic photo from 1910 - St. Lawrence Market fruit stand in St. Lawrence MarketSt. Lawrence Market fruit stand
115 years ago - 1910 - St. Lawrence Market at 93 Front Street East
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1912 Historic photo from Tuesday, December 10, 1912 - Water at the foot of Church Street - now the Esplanade in St. Lawrence MarketWater at the foot of Church Street - now the Esplanade
113 years ago - Tuesday, December 10, 1912 - St. Lawrence Market at 3 Church Street
Max temp: 6.1°C - Min temp: -2.8°C - 0.3cm of snowfall (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1913 Historic photo from Thursday, March 20, 1913 - Looking south at the water at the foot of Church Street 3:10PM in St. Lawrence MarketLooking south at the water at the foot of Church Street 3:10PM
112 years ago - Thursday, March 20, 1913 - St. Lawrence Market at 3 Church Street
Max temp: 17.2°C - Min temp: 4.4°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)