Historic photos from around Lawrence Park, Toronto

There are a wonderful set of Toronto historic photos available online, here are all the photos that I could find from around the Lawrence Park area in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

List of all areas in Toronto or take a look at the historic photos by date. New! You can now access the photos by street address A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.

1910 Historic photo from 1910 - Buena Vista, 35 St. Edmund Dr (Originally C. and A. Dinnick House, Chadwick and Beckett Architects, ca. 1909) in Lawrence parkBuena Vista, 35 St. Edmund Dr (Originally C. and A. Dinnick House, Chadwick and Beckett Architects, ca. 1909)
115 years ago - 1910 - Lawrence park at 35 Saint Edmunds Drive
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1910 Historic photo from 1910 - Promotional map of Lawrence Park estates and southern addition Strathgowan in Lawrence ParkPromotional map of Lawrence Park estates and southern addition Strathgowan
115 years ago - 1910 - Lawrence Park
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1910 Historic photo from 1910 - Flagcourt Gardens at 1 St. Edmunds Drive, John Firstbrook house in Lawrence ParkFlagcourt Gardens at 1 St. Edmunds Drive, John Firstbrook house
115 years ago - 1910 - Lawrence Park at 1 Saint Edmunds Drive
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1912 Historic photo from 1912 - Construction of homes on the south-east corner of Lympstone Ave and St. Edmunds Drive in Lawrence parkConstruction of homes on the south-east corner of Lympstone Ave and St. Edmunds Drive
113 years ago - 1912 - Lawrence park at 1 Saint Edmunds Drive
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1922 Historic photo from Thursday, October 19, 1922 - Track construction and horses on Yonge St, at Lawrence Ave, looking north in Lawrence ParkTrack construction and horses on Yonge St, at Lawrence Ave, looking north
103 years ago - Thursday, October 19, 1922 - Lawrence Park at 3091 Yonge Street
Max temp: 12.2°C - Min temp: -1.7°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1923 Historic photo from 1923 - Architects aerial sketch by the firm Chapman and Oxley of Havergal's planned 'New School' in Lawrence Park West
 in Lawrence ParkArchitects aerial sketch by the firm Chapman and Oxley of Havergal's planned 'New School' in Lawrence Park West
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
102 years ago - 1923 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1926 Historic photo from 1926 - Mid the mud - construction of Havergal building on Avenue Road - muddy clay didn't lead easily to lush lawns
 in Lawrence ParkMid the mud - construction of Havergal building on Avenue Road - muddy clay didn't lead easily to lush lawns
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
99 years ago - 1926 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
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1926 Historic photo from Friday, April 23, 1926 - Programme from Cornerstone laying of new Havergal building on Avenue Road
 in Lawrence ParkProgramme from Cornerstone laying of new Havergal building on Avenue Road
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
99 years ago - Friday, April 23, 1926 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1927 Historic photo from 1927 - Path to Havergal's 'New School' - maybe heading south from Lawrence Ave?
 in Lawrence ParkPath to Havergal's 'New School' - maybe heading south from Lawrence Ave?
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
98 years ago - 1927 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1928 Historic photo from 1928 - Boarder leaving Havergal for home - Parents had to approve list of people their daughters could write to or visit, and phone calls may have been monitored as well. in Lawrence ParkBoarder leaving Havergal for home - Parents had to approve list of people their daughters could write to or visit, and phone calls may have been monitored as well.
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
97 years ago - 1928 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
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1929 Historic photo from 1929 - Havergal College - Lawrence Park - panoramic photo of the staff and boarders in Lawrence ParkHavergal College - Lawrence Park - panoramic photo of the staff and boarders
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
96 years ago - 1929 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road just south of Lawrence Ave. West
Link to archive record - Map location (From Archives of Ontario)
1930 Historic photo from 1930 - Havergal College sign on gate - Avenue Road circa 1930 in Lawrence ParkHavergal College sign on gate - Avenue Road circa 1930
(Categorized under: Ornamental gate --- Havergal college )
95 years ago - 1930 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1930 Historic photo from Monday, December 8, 1930 - Lawrence Park Firehall construction - fire station #131 (was Firehall No. 34) , Wanless Avenue and Yonge Street in Lawrence ParkLawrence Park Firehall construction - fire station #131 (was Firehall No. 34) , Wanless Avenue and Yonge Street
95 years ago - Monday, December 8, 1930 - Lawrence Park at 3135 Yonge Street s.e. corner at Wanless Ave
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1933 Historic photo from Thursday, June 1, 1933 - All roads lead to Havergal - bus routes to the school from Avenue and Bloor, or on the TTC, etc. south wing not yet added in Lawrence ParkAll roads lead to Havergal - bus routes to the school from Avenue and Bloor, or on the TTC, etc. south wing not yet added
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
92 years ago - Thursday, June 1, 1933 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1933 Historic photo from Friday, November 3, 1933 - Lawrence Park Ravine - north of Lympstone Avenue in Lawrence ParkLawrence Park Ravine - north of Lympstone Avenue
92 years ago - Friday, November 3, 1933 - Lawrence Park at 3055 Yonge Street
Max temp: 10.0°C - Min temp: 3.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1933 Historic photo from Friday, November 3, 1933 - Lawrence Park Ravine - north of Lympstone Avenue in Lawrence ParkLawrence Park Ravine - north of Lympstone Avenue
92 years ago - Friday, November 3, 1933 - Lawrence Park at 3055 Yonge Street
Max temp: 10.0°C - Min temp: 3.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1933 Historic photo from Friday, November 3, 1933 - Lawrence Park Ravine - south of Lympstone in Lawrence ParkLawrence Park Ravine - south of Lympstone
92 years ago - Friday, November 3, 1933 - Lawrence Park at 3055 Yonge Street
Max temp: 10.0°C - Min temp: 3.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1937 Historic photo from 1937 - Lawrence Park Collegiate (1936) in background while new wing being added to Havergal thanks to funding from the Leonard Foundation in Lawrence ParkLawrence Park Collegiate (1936) in background while new wing being added to Havergal thanks to funding from the Leonard Foundation
(Categorized under: Schools --- Havergal college )
88 years ago - 1937 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1937 Historic photo from 1937 - Approaching Havergal College northbound near Avenue Road - Lawrence Park Collegiate in background in Lawrence ParkApproaching Havergal College northbound near Avenue Road - Lawrence Park Collegiate in background
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
88 years ago - 1937 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1939 Historic photo from 1939 - Interior of Havergal - front entrance rotunda leading into the Assembly Hall in Lawrence ParkInterior of Havergal - front entrance rotunda leading into the Assembly Hall
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
86 years ago - 1939 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1939 Historic photo from 1939 - Students at work in the Havergal Chemistry Lab in Lawrence ParkStudents at work in the Havergal Chemistry Lab
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
86 years ago - 1939 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1939 Historic photo from 1939 - Interior of Havergal - student dining hall in Lawrence ParkInterior of Havergal - student dining hall
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
86 years ago - 1939 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1939 Historic photo from 1939 - Front entrance from Avenue road to Havegal Girls School in Lawrence ParkFront entrance from Avenue road to Havegal Girls School
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
86 years ago - 1939 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1939 Historic photo from Friday, July 7, 1939 - Avenue Road, looking north from Glencairn Avenue (towards Havergal College)
 in Lawrence ParkAvenue Road, looking north from Glencairn Avenue (towards Havergal College)
86 years ago - Friday, July 7, 1939 - Lawrence Park at 1340 Avenue Road just north of Glencairn Avenue
Link to archive record - Map location
1941 Historic photo from 1941 - Aerial view of Havergal College and area - path in the top right eventually where Rosewell Avenue is now in Lawrence ParkAerial view of Havergal College and area - path in the top right eventually where Rosewell Avenue is now
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
84 years ago - 1941 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1944 Historic photo from 1944 - Lawrence Park Collegiate as seen in the distance from the Havergal College tennis courts in Lawrence ParkLawrence Park Collegiate as seen in the distance from the Havergal College tennis courts
(Categorized under: Schools --- Havergal college )
81 years ago - 1944 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1950 Historic photo from 1950 - Court garden designed by J. Austin Floyd, Yonge Street at Lawrence Park in Lawrence ParkCourt garden designed by J. Austin Floyd, Yonge Street at Lawrence Park
75 years ago - 1950 - Lawrence Park at 3012 Yonge Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1954 Historic photo from 1954 - Edgar A. Eaton house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave. in Lawrence ParkEdgar A. Eaton house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave.
(Categorized under: Edgar-a-eaton-house )
71 years ago - 1954 - Lawrence Park at 1 Lauren Court
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1954 Historic photo from 1954 - Gates, and stables with tower at Edgar A. Eaton, house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave. in Lawrence ParkGates, and stables with tower at Edgar A. Eaton, house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave.
(Categorized under: Edgar-a-eaton-house )
71 years ago - 1954 - Lawrence Park at 1 Lauren Court
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1954 Historic photo from 1954 - Girls in front of garden and stables - Edgar A. Eaton house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave. in Lawrence ParkGirls in front of garden and stables - Edgar A. Eaton house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave.
(Categorized under: Edgar-a-eaton-house )
71 years ago - 1954 - Lawrence Park at 1 Lauren Court
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1954 Historic photo from 1954 - Stone gate in the trees - Edgar A. Eaton, house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave. in Lawrence ParkStone gate in the trees - Edgar A. Eaton, house, Blythwood Rd., s.w. corner Bayview Ave.
(Categorized under: Edgar-a-eaton-house --- Ornamental gate )
71 years ago - 1954 - Lawrence Park at 1 Lauren Court
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1961 Historic photo from 1961 - Lytton House - east side of Avenue Road between park and Glencairn Ave. - used as residence for Havergal College in Lawrence ParkLytton House - east side of Avenue Road between park and Glencairn Ave. - used as residence for Havergal College
(Categorized under: Havergal college )
64 years ago - 1961 - Lawrence Park at 1307 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1961 Historic photo from 1961 - John Ross Robertson elementory school as seen in the distance from the roof of Havergal College and their playing fields in Lawrence ParkJohn Ross Robertson elementory school as seen in the distance from the roof of Havergal College and their playing fields
(Categorized under: Schools --- Havergal college )
64 years ago - 1961 - Lawrence Park at 1451 Avenue Road
Link to archive record - Map location
1995 Historic photo from 1995 - Glenview Junior High, LPCI, John Ross Robertson and Havergal - aerial view in Lawrence ParkGlenview Junior High, LPCI, John Ross Robertson and Havergal - aerial view
(Categorized under: Schools --- Havergal college )
30 years ago - 1995 - Lawrence Park at 460 Rosewell Ave
Link to archive record - Map location