Historic photos from around Entertainment District, Toronto

There are a wonderful set of Toronto historic photos available online, here are all the photos that I could find from around the Entertainment District area in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

List of all areas in Toronto or take a look at the historic photos by date. New! You can now access the photos by street address A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.

1900 Historic photo from 1900 - John Gordon house - Wellington St. W., s.e. corner Clarence Square in Entertainment DistrictJohn Gordon house - Wellington St. W., s.e. corner Clarence Square
125 years ago - 1900 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1900 Historic photo from 1900 - John Gordon house in Clarence Square - coloured with watercolour in Entertainment DistrictJohn Gordon house in Clarence Square - coloured with watercolour
125 years ago - 1900 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1906 Historic photo from Monday, April 30, 1906 - Arlington Hotel - north-west corner of King West and John in Entertainment DistrictArlington Hotel - north-west corner of King West and John
(Categorized under: Hotels )
119 years ago - Monday, April 30, 1906 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1910 Historic photo from 1910 - Macdonald, Hugh, house drawing room - 350 Wellington St. W., n.e. cor. Clarence Square in Entertainment DistrictMacdonald, Hugh, house drawing room - 350 Wellington St. W., n.e. cor. Clarence Square
(Categorized under: Estates and Houses )
115 years ago - 1910 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1911 Historic photo from Monday, May 15, 1911 - Spadina and Adelaide - CocaCola sign  in Entertainment DistrictSpadina and Adelaide - CocaCola sign
114 years ago - Monday, May 15, 1911 - Entertainment District
Max temp: 26.7°C - Min temp: 7.2°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1912 Historic photo from 1912 - John Gordon house, Wellington St. W., s.e. corner Clarence Square; interior, library in Entertainment DistrictJohn Gordon house, Wellington St. W., s.e. corner Clarence Square; interior, library
113 years ago - 1912 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1912 Historic photo from 1912 - Star Hotel on Front St. W. converted into stables in Entertainment DistrictStar Hotel on Front St. W. converted into stables
(Categorized under: Hotels )
113 years ago - 1912 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1912 Historic photo from 1912 - Interior of John Gordon house showing the drawing room in Entertainment DistrictInterior of John Gordon house showing the drawing room
113 years ago - 1912 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1913 Historic photo from Tuesday, October 14, 1913 - General view of Clarence Square at Wellington and Spadina in Entertainment DistrictGeneral view of Clarence Square at Wellington and Spadina
112 years ago - Tuesday, October 14, 1913 - Entertainment District
Max temp: 15.6°C - Min temp: 1.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1919 Historic photo from 1919 - Power House Hotel, southeast corner of King Street and Spadina Avenue in Entertainment DistrictPower House Hotel, southeast corner of King Street and Spadina Avenue
(Categorized under: Hotels )
106 years ago - 1919 - Entertainment District
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1919 Historic photo from Friday, May 30, 1919 - Spadina Ave. laying new track in Entertainment DistrictSpadina Ave. laying new track
106 years ago - Friday, May 30, 1919 - Entertainment District
Max temp: 30.0°C - Min temp: 16.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1919 Historic photo from Wednesday, August 27, 1919 - Spadina Ave. trees, cars, and streetcar in Entertainment DistrictSpadina Ave. trees, cars, and streetcar
106 years ago - Wednesday, August 27, 1919 - Entertainment District
Max temp: 18.9°C - Min temp: 11.1°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1961 Historic photo from Thursday, January 26, 1961 - Crowd waiting for a streetcar outside the Eclipse Whitewear Company Building at the north east corner of King Street West and John Street during a snow storm in Entertainment DistrictCrowd waiting for a streetcar outside the Eclipse Whitewear Company Building at the north east corner of King Street West and John Street during a snow storm
64 years ago - Thursday, January 26, 1961 - Entertainment District at 322 King Street West
Max temp: -10.0°C - Min temp: -11.7°C - 15.5cm of snowfall (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1972 Historic photo from 1972 - Corner of Spadina Avenue and Richmond Street, looking east 401 Richmond on our left in Entertainment DistrictCorner of Spadina Avenue and Richmond Street, looking east 401 Richmond on our left
53 years ago - 1972 - Entertainment District at 147 Spadina Ave looking east along Richmond Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)