Historic photos from around Cherry Beach, Toronto

Located at the southern end of Cherry Street south of the ship channel and Unwin Avenue, the beach itself was previously called Clarke Beach Park, named after the alderman who created the official park in the 1930's. It was then renamed named Cherry Beach in 2003.

Back in the 1850's the area was a marsh and sandbar, eventually disconnected from the Toronto Islands in 1852 - now the Eastern Channel. The area was called Fisherman's Island for a while, with a commercial fishery operation and a church.

Just north of the beach itself has been an industrial area for a long time, but the work done to naturalize the mouth of the Don River in the Port Lands has seen many improvements in the area, including the Cherry Beach Sports Fields with two soccer fields.

List of all areas in Toronto or take a look at the historic photos by date. New! You can now access the photos by street address A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.


1898 Historic photo from 1898 - Old dry dock foot of Cherry Street in Cherry BeachOld dry dock foot of Cherry Street
127 years ago - 1898 - Cherry Beach
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1915 Historic photo from Tuesday, August 31, 1915 - Ashbridges Bay east of Leslie St. in 1915 - general views in Cherry BeachAshbridges Bay east of Leslie St. in 1915 - general views
110 years ago - Tuesday, August 31, 1915 - Cherry Beach at 1 Leslie Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1915 Historic photo from Tuesday, August 31, 1915 - Foot of Carlaw Ave - houses and industrial buildings in Cherry BeachFoot of Carlaw Ave - houses and industrial buildings
110 years ago - Tuesday, August 31, 1915 - Cherry Beach at 4 Carlaw Ave at waters edge
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1915 Historic photo from Monday, September 20, 1915 - Fishermans Island Public School with wooden sidewalk on the sand in Cherry BeachFishermans Island Public School with wooden sidewalk on the sand
(Categorized under: Schools )
110 years ago - Monday, September 20, 1915 - Cherry Beach at 1 Cherry Street
Max temp: 21.7°C - Min temp: 7.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1915 Historic photo from Monday, September 20, 1915 - Path looking west from foot of Cherry St. on Fishermans Island towards Wards Island in Cherry BeachPath looking west from foot of Cherry St. on Fishermans Island towards Wards Island
110 years ago - Monday, September 20, 1915 - Cherry Beach at 1 Cherry Street
Max temp: 21.7°C - Min temp: 7.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1915 Historic photo from Wednesday, October 13, 1915 - P.W.C. Dining cottage - Fishermans Island in Cherry BeachP.W.C. Dining cottage - Fishermans Island
110 years ago - Wednesday, October 13, 1915 - Cherry Beach at 1 Cherry Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1916 Historic photo from 1916 - Launching the ship Aquilla in Cherry BeachLaunching the ship Aquilla
109 years ago - 1916 - Cherry Beach
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1918 Historic photo from Monday, April 15, 1918 - Bascule Bridge on Cherry Street raised in Cherry BeachBascule Bridge on Cherry Street raised
107 years ago - Monday, April 15, 1918 - Cherry Beach at Cherry Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1920 Historic photo from Friday, August 20, 1920 - Raising the Cherry Street lift bridge (north bascule)  in Cherry BeachRaising the Cherry Street lift bridge (north bascule)
105 years ago - Friday, August 20, 1920 - Cherry Beach
Max temp: 27.2°C - Min temp: 17.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1920 Historic photo from Tuesday, September 28, 1920 - Bank of Montreal classical revival style building under construction - Villiers St. looking east from Cherry St. Toronto, Ont in Cherry BeachBank of Montreal classical revival style building under construction - Villiers St. looking east from Cherry St. Toronto, Ont
105 years ago - Tuesday, September 28, 1920 - Cherry Beach at 309 Cherry Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1922 Historic photo from Thursday, August 10, 1922 - Fire Hall 30 on Commissioner Street - under construction in Cherry BeachFire Hall 30 on Commissioner Street - under construction
103 years ago - Thursday, August 10, 1922 - Cherry Beach at 39 Commissioners Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1932 Historic photo from Tuesday, July 19, 1932 - Bathing station, foot of Cherry Street in Cherry BeachBathing station, foot of Cherry Street
93 years ago - Tuesday, July 19, 1932 - Cherry Beach
Max temp: 28.9°C - Min temp: 17.8°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1932 Historic photo from Friday, July 22, 1932 - Open free bathing station erected by the city at the foot of Cherry St. - opened by Mayor Stewart July 21, 1932 in Cherry BeachOpen free bathing station erected by the city at the foot of Cherry St. - opened by Mayor Stewart July 21, 1932
93 years ago - Friday, July 22, 1932 - Cherry Beach at 1 Cherry Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1933 Historic photo from Saturday, July 1, 1933 - Bathing beach, foot of Cherry Street, T.T.C. bus service in Cherry BeachBathing beach, foot of Cherry Street, T.T.C. bus service
92 years ago - Saturday, July 1, 1933 - Cherry Beach
Max temp: 27.8°C - Min temp: 18.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1934 Historic photo from Thursday, December 13, 1934 - Proposed lavatory building, Clarke Beach Park for the Parks Department in Cherry BeachProposed lavatory building, Clarke Beach Park for the Parks Department
(Categorized under: Architectural drawings )
91 years ago - Thursday, December 13, 1934 - Cherry Beach
Max temp: 0.0°C - Min temp: -6.1°C - 1.3cm of snowfall (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1935 Historic photo from Wednesday, February 20, 1935 - Suggested colour scheme, Clarke Beach lavatory building for the Parks Dept. in Cherry BeachSuggested colour scheme, Clarke Beach lavatory building for the Parks Dept.
(Categorized under: Architectural drawings )
90 years ago - Wednesday, February 20, 1935 - Cherry Beach
Max temp: -2.8°C - Min temp: -8.9°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1935 Historic photo from Monday, August 12, 1935 - Cherry Beach Lavatory in Cherry BeachCherry Beach Lavatory
90 years ago - Monday, August 12, 1935 - Cherry Beach
Max temp: 31.1°C - Min temp: 19.4°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1935 Historic photo from Monday, August 19, 1935 - Lots of people in the water at Cherry Beach in Cherry BeachLots of people in the water at Cherry Beach
90 years ago - Monday, August 19, 1935 - Cherry Beach
Max temp: 30.6°C - Min temp: 19.4°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1952 Historic photo from 1952 - Fire Hall 30 on Commissioners Street in the Toronto Port Lands - built 1928 in Cherry BeachFire Hall 30 on Commissioners Street in the Toronto Port Lands - built 1928
73 years ago - 1952 - Cherry Beach at 39 Commissioners Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1966 Historic photo from 1966 - Loading of streetcars onto ship named SHUN-EI MARU : Pier 28 off Polson in Cherry BeachLoading of streetcars onto ship named SHUN-EI MARU : Pier 28 off Polson
59 years ago - 1966 - Cherry Beach
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1990 Historic photo from 1990 - 309 Cherry Street - built 1920, designed by Darling & Pearson Cherry Street and Villiers Street in Cherry Beach309 Cherry Street - built 1920, designed by Darling & Pearson Cherry Street and Villiers Street
35 years ago - 1990 - Cherry Beach at 309 Cherry Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1990 Historic photo from 1990 - Leslie Street Spit and Toronto Island looking north-west with Cherry Beach in the centre to our right in Cherry BeachLeslie Street Spit and Toronto Island looking north-west with Cherry Beach in the centre to our right
35 years ago - 1990 - Cherry Beach
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)