Historic Toronto photos from December 2

There are a number of great web sites that provide historic photos from around Toronto. As I was collecting them for an interactive historic map of the city I realized that it was also interesting to find photos that were taken around the current time of the year.

If you'd like to see photos from today, you can always load this page without parameters to see the last few days worth of photos.

You can also see all the historic photos for a given neighbourhood. A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.


1911 Historic photo from Saturday, December 2, 1911 - Wellington and Bay - wood block pavement in Financial DistrictWellington and Bay - wood block pavement
114 years ago - Saturday, December 2, 1911 - Financial District
Max temp: 3.3°C - Min temp: -3.9°C - 1.8cm of snowfall (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
1916 Historic photo from Saturday, December 2, 1916 - Bloor Street Bridge over the Humber River - construction of stone version before existing 1923 metal bridge was built in Bloor Street WestBloor Street Bridge over the Humber River - construction of stone version before existing 1923 metal bridge was built
(Categorized under: Bridges )
109 years ago - Saturday, December 2, 1916 - Bloor Street West at 2571 Bloor Street West
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
1988 Historic photo from Friday, December 2, 1988 - Lighting the Chanukah lights: While teacher Cheryl Needleman and classmates watch; Zoey Fiksel and Daniel Thorke; both 6; light the menorah at Beth Tzedec  in Forest HillLighting the Chanukah lights: While teacher Cheryl Needleman and classmates watch; Zoey Fiksel and Daniel Thorke; both 6; light the menorah at Beth Tzedec
(Categorized under: Beth Tzedec Synagogue )
37 years ago - Friday, December 2, 1988 - Forest Hill at 1700 Bathurst Street n.w. corner at Warwick Ave.
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
2024 Historic photo from Monday, December 2, 2024 - Herman Furs building on the s.w.corner of Bay and Gerrard Streets in Discovery DistrictHerman Furs building on the s.w.corner of Bay and Gerrard Streets
1 years ago - Monday, December 2, 2024 - Discovery District at 700 Bay Street s.w. corner at Gerrard Street
Link to archive record - Map location (From the City of Toronto Archives)
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