Historic Toronto photos from October 4

There are a number of great web sites that provide historic photos from around Toronto. As I was collecting them for an interactive historic map of the city I realized that it was also interesting to find photos that were taken around the current time of the year.

If you'd like to see photos from today, you can always load this page without parameters to see the last few days worth of photos.

You can also see all the historic photos for a given neighbourhood. A subset of the photos have also been arranged by subject.


1952 Historic photo from Saturday, October 4, 1952 - Leaside Memorial Community Gardens built 1952 in LeasideLeaside Memorial Community Gardens built 1952
73 years ago - Saturday, October 4, 1952 - Leaside at 1073 Millwood Road s.w. corner at Laird Drive
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1955 Historic photo from Tuesday, October 4, 1955 - G.T.R. Belt Line, looking e. across Bathurst St., betw. Shallmar Blvd. & Roselawn Ave. in Forest HillG.T.R. Belt Line, looking e. across Bathurst St., betw. Shallmar Blvd. & Roselawn Ave.
(Categorized under: Belt Line trail )
70 years ago - Tuesday, October 4, 1955 - Forest Hill
Max temp: 25.0°C - Min temp: 10.0°C (weather details)
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Toronto Public Library)
1957 Historic photo from Friday, October 4, 1957 - Crowds around the Avro Arrow unveiling at Pearson Airport - RL 201 - tail number 25201 in MaltonCrowds around the Avro Arrow unveiling at Pearson Airport - RL 201 - tail number 25201
68 years ago - Friday, October 4, 1957 - Malton at 6301 Silver Dart Drive
Link to archive record - Map location (From the Library and Archives Canada)
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